Adult Chat Club is an online social media website for chatting with friends and meeting new people. It's owned by an American information technology consultant who created the site in 2016 to give social media users an online venue where they could manage online friendships, host group video chats, and have discussions that are considered inappropriate by other social media sites.
Adults aged 18 and older are allowed to sign up and use the services. New users sign up by completing a
sign up form which collects information that is used to create an account. After signing up, new users are logged in automatically and are able to join chat rooms, create chat rooms, share uncensored status updates with friends, and make public announcements.
The site offers a comprehensive set of features including a searchable group video chat directory, private group video chat, public group video chat, an option to create your own group video chat, a searchable member directory, an online friendship system, a status update system, and an announcement system.
History: The evolution of Adult Chat Club
In 2016 Adult Chat Club became the first adults-only social media website. The site was created as an alternative social media site where users could have discussions that are not considered appropriate on other social media sites. The site was also the first to offer uncensored status updates and the first to offer built-in video chat.
In 2023 the site's owner re-created the entire site to provide a more feature-rich and useful social media site. Old features were improved and new features were added, including a new chat server, a new chat directory, private group video chat, public group video chat and the option to create and host your own group video chat.
In 2024 the status update's character limit was increased from 255 to full page, and the timestamp feature was added to show when friend statuses were last updated. Also at this time, the announcement feature was added to enable users to make announcements to the general public. Unlike status updates, announcements are visible to everybody, regardless of friendship status.