The privacy policy was updated on 08/09/2024.


The privacy policy was created on 07/01/2023. The privacy policy explains that the website collects information from users, which information is collected, how it is collected, the reasons why it is collected, how it is used, and how it is managed.

Join - Information Collected

The website uses a form to collect information from users for the purpose of allowing users to sign up or to create an account on the website. The form collects three pieces of information: username, password, and gender. The form requires users to agree to the privacy policy and terms of service before finishing the form. The username is used to distinguish users, and for users to log in. The username is visible to all users. The gender is used to distingush users based on gender. The gender is visible to all users. The password is used to control authenticity of users when they log on to the website. The password is not visible to all users.

Join - Information Created

Additional user information is created by the website when users sign up or create an account. The information includes the date and time which the user signed up or created the account, the date and time which the user last logged in to the website, the status of whether or not the user is currently logged in to the website, and an ID number which is used by the website to identify users. The date the user created an account is visible to all users. The date the user last logged in is visible to all users. The status of whether or not users are logged in is visible to all users. The ID number is not visible to all users.


Users have access to additional forms that collect information.

Status Update: Status Update is a form that collects information from the user for entertainment purposes. Information collected in Status Update is visible to users who are on the friend list.

Announcement: Announcement is a form that collects information from users for entertainment purposes. Information collected in Announcement is visible to all users of the website, including users who are not on the friend list.

Profile Photo: Profile Photo is a form that collects an image file for entertainment purposes. Profile photos are visible by all users, including users who are not on the friend list.

Video Chat Rooms

Users who create video chat rooms have access to a form which collects information from users for the purpose of creating a video chat room. The form collects video chat room name for the purpose of allowing users to provide a name for the video chat room. The form also collects a description which allows users to provide a description for the video chat room. The website creates additional information including video chat room creator name, which is used to show users the username of the user who created the video chat room, and ID number, which is used by the website to organize the video chat rooms. The ID number is not visible to all users. All other information collected and created for the purpose of creating a video chat room is visible to all users.


The websites uses cookies. Cookies are computer files that contain information about users. Cookies are created by the website but are stored on users' computers. The website uses cookies for the purpose of allowing users to remain logged in to the website during events which would otherwise terminate their logged in status. The information contained by cookies include:

picurl: URL to the user's profile photo

id: The user's ID number

loggedin: Information describing whether or not the user is currently logged in

name: The user's username

gender: The user's gender

Deletable Information

Certain information collected by the website may be deleted by users. The information which may be deleted by users includes profile photo, video chat room, status update, announcement, and account. The information may be deleted from the settings section of the website.