The terms of service were updated on 08/09/2024.


The terms of service were created on 07/01/2023. The terms of service explain how the website may be used, the rules of the website, and what happens when the website is misued.

Age Restriction

You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to use this website. Use of this website by persons less than eighteen (18) years of age is prohibited. All services provided by this website are restricted to persons aged 18 or older. Users are prohibited from sharing photos or videos of persons less than eighteen (18) years of age. Users are prohibited from broadcasting persons less than eighteen (18) years of age over webcam or microphone. The website is intended for adults aged eighteen and older.


The website may contain information that is false, inaccurate, or harmful. The owner of the website makes no guarantee that the information provided by this website is true, accurate, or safe. If use of this website results in damages, the owner of this website is not liable. Use of this website is at your own risk.


Users of this website do not provide contact information. The terms of service and the privacy policy are updated periodically. Use of the website requires users to read the privacy policy and the terms of service prior to each use.

Permitted Uses

The website may be used for video chat and for friend list management. Linking to other sites is permitted.


When the website is misused, the offending user's profile is labeled with the word "misuse." The label is visible to all users and serves as a warning to users who are considering networking with the offending user.


Users are required to report abuse of the website to the owner of the website. Reports of abuse may be made by using the contact form.